Hey everyone, in this guide, i'm going to show you how to make sparkles on pictures with Gimp! It's really easy, and it looks great on pitures.
Step 1:
Have your picture/text open and ready to shine XD
Step 2:
To make the sparkle, you'll need a special brush created by yourself.
open the brush dialog(Window / Dockable Dialogs / Brushes) or press SHIFT+CTRL+B.
Step 3:
click new brush at the bottom of the dialog.Name it Glitter.
in shape, use the third option (the one shaped like a diamond)
radius is the size of the sparkle, so set it however you want. i'm using 75.0, because i don't want it to be too big or too small.
spacing is not really important because we are only using one sparkle at a time.
Step 4:
Choose the paintbrush tool (the glitter brush should be active automatically and if it's not, select it from your brushes dialog.)
Create a new transparent layer, and start glittering! get creative with the sizes of the brush, the colors, anything you want (:
Remember: don't use too much of the glitter or it'll just look weird, like this picture i made XD and save as a png!
Thanks for reading and post your results!
PS: sorry i didin't post pictures, i was in a hurry and i copied and pasted this from a guide I made on BI.